Our Southern Neighbor

Senegal borders Mauritania to the south. When we visit Diawling National Park, we often cross the border and can do a few things in Senegal, like:

Djoudj National Bird Sancutary

This bird sanctuary is a haven for migratory birds in the Senegal river delta. It’s a great place to see some rare feathers and large flocks.

Colonial City of St Louis

Once the capital of both Mauritania and Senegal (originally called Endar), this city served as the central operation for French imperialists. It is known for its music and dancing at night.

Pink Lake

Also known as Lac Rose or Lake Retba, located just outside Dakar, this is a lake saturated with pink salt. It has high buoyancy, so you can float in it effortlessly. This salt lake is under consideration by UNESCO as a world heritage site.


Dakar, the capital city of Senegal, is situated on the tip of the Cape Verde Peninsula. This is the western-most geographical point of Africa.

Gorée Island

Historically a port island for deporting slaves to Europe and America, many of the related building to this trade are museums and attractions. The island earned the nickname “the gate of no return” by Africans.

A View of Senegal